Non-Cracking Chiropractor Adjustment Offered in Doylestown

Non-Cracking Chiropractor Adjustment Offered in Doylestown

Does the idea of having a chiropractor “crack” your back make you nervous? Many people say, “Yes.” They miss out on the potential pain relief because the “popping” sound can be nerve-wracking. 

True story, the first time Dr. Jeff adjusted my neck, I screamed in surprise. Yep!

It turns out, there is a “non-cracking” and “no pop” version of chiropractic care. Whether you’re nervous or were in an accident and too sore for traditional chiropractic treatment, you can still reap the benefits of natural pain relief from chiropractic care.  

For instance, Dr. Jeff Mcquaite in Doylestown offers a non-cracking chiropractor adjustment. To clarify, this technique offers pain relief without the crack. However, it’s worth mentioning that the “cracking” sound is nothing to worry about. It’s really just trapped gas escaping as your joints are realigned. 

However, modern chiropractic care uses many options to help you feel your best. These two tools are simply part of this evolving practice.

Two Tools for a Non-Cracking Chiropractor Adjustment Technique

As you probably know, traditional chiropractic care uses bodyweight to realign your joints. After your initial consultation and x-ray, your chiropractic directs you to lay in a certain position on the table. Traditionally, they use their body weight to make quick adjustments that realign your joints. However, your chiropractor may choose to incorporate gentler methods.

These adjustments can use two tools that have funny names. The arthrostim and the vibracussor are hard to spell but they’re excellent tools for a non-cracking chiropractic adjustment. 

As you can see, both tools are small and portable but they have different uses.

The Artrostim is an advanced chiropractic adjustment instrument. You can see, it looks a bit like a drill and it works by delivering several “taps” along your body to reduce muscle and joint tension in the neck and back. 

These “taps” work in a similar way as traditional chiropractic treatment. However, the “taps” are gentle, yet frequent. The Artrostim applies 10-14 micro thrusts a second to your spine. It stimulates your body’s healing and eases your joints back in proper alignment. Best of all, it’s gentle. 

The Arthrostim tool offers an effective “non-cracking” adjustment. You can see it here”in action.” 

Your chiropractor will develop a treatment plan based on your medical history and current physical concerns.

Yet, the Arthrostim can especially benefit people with: 

-People with acute or chronic pain
-Particularly sensitive individuals
-Individuals who dislike being ‘twisted’
-Those with disc or related spinal conditions
-Individuals with arthritic conditions
-Individuals with osteoporosis
-Elderly individuals
-Even individuals who are larger and stronger (and may be difficult to adjust with a single thrust) can benefit from the use of the arthrostim.

The other instrument Dr. McQuaite has incorporated to help make his adjustments more effective is the Vibracussor.

The Vibracussor is helpful for breaking up scar tissue and loosening ligaments. Doing so improves circulation and speeds up healing. The tool works by delivering impulses deep into the body’s tissues. Yet, it goes deeper than a traditional massage. By going deeper, it breaks up fascial restrictions (scar tissue) and loosens ligaments. The entire process relaxes the muscles and fascia surrounding the vertebrae. As a result, you can feel pain relief. 

Are You Ready to Try a “No-Crack” Adjustment?

In summary, both of these non-cracking chiropractor adjustment techniques are effective. However, they may be more suitable for certain people and conditions. Here at McQuaite Chiropractic, Dr. Mcquaite creates an individualized treatment plan to help you feel your best.

If you have questions or would like to book an appointment, please contact the office. Come in for a consultation! We’ll be happy to explain how these gentle non-cracking and no popping treatments work and if they may be right for you.





What’s the Difference Between a Chiropractic Adjustment and Cracking My Back?

What’s the Difference Between a Chiropractic Adjustment and Cracking My Back?

If you’ve ever wondered what the difference is between a chiropractic adjustment and cracking your back, you’re not alone. After all, many people feel better after getting a friend to help “crack their back.”

So how does it differ from a chiropractic adjustment?

chiropractic adjustment Of course, you know they’re not the same thing. One is done by a licensed chiropractor with years of medical training while the other isn’t. Sure, they can both feel good, but one offers proven health benefits and the other doesn’t.

I’ll explain more in a minute, but first, let’s address the “cracking” sound that sometimes happens when you crack your back.

What’s with the Back Cracking Sound?

People get a little excited about the “cracking” sound that can happen during a chiropractic adjustment. Some love it while others are afraid.

In reality, it’s not what you think at all. That popping sound is the sound of gas escaping your joint when it’s adjusted. That’s all.

It’s not your bones.

It’s your joints. Actually, that’s not quite it either. It’s the gas between your joints.

Here’s what I mean, as you know your joints are moveable. Your shoulders, knees, vertebrae, and so on are meant to have flexibility and they work kind of like a ball and socket. However, it’s typical for them to shift out of place. It’s nothing you’d notice by looking at you, but even a fraction of a millimeter off can cause you pain.

As a chiropractor, we want to keep your joints functioning well because that helps you maintain a good range of motion and stay mobile.

A chiropractic adjustment is a specific approach to a specific joint to restore mobility to that joint and help you feel better.

Sometimes it results in that “cracking” sound when the gas escapes.

The Difference Between an Adjustment and Cracking Your Back

When your joints are well functioning, your body has good mobility. You have a good range of motion in your neck and shoulders, meaning you can move them without feeling restricted.

The role of the chiropractor is to keep your joints and vertebrae mobile and in good working order.

Imagine that you have a stiff back. You bend, stretch, and hear that “popping” sound. Aah… you think. It feels better.

It can feel better. For a little while. When you hear the cracking sound, it does release endorphins.

But a little while later you feel stiff again, in fact, it gets tougher and tougher for you to find long-lasting relief.

See, the body is a funny thing. Those stiff vertebrae haven’t loosened. Instead, the vertebrae above and below the stiff vertebrae are usually overcompensating for the stiffness in the middle. They become more mobile and are easier to “crack” while the stiff ones stay put.

Long term? You’re not doing anything for the stiff vertebrae and they can gradually worsen. However, the trained eye of a chiropractor (combined with an x-ray), can assess your vertebrae and find the problem. Then, a series of chiropractic adjustments will loosen the stiff vertebrae and give you greater mobility.

Over time, you’ll maintain that mobility easier. Is it time to make a chiropractor appointment?

Spinal Decompression: Find Your Pain Relief

Spinal Decompression: Find Your Pain Relief

If you suffer from neck or back pain, you’re not alone. 60-80% of adults do and some of it is debilitating. If your neck or back pain feels chronic, you might be a perfect candidate for spinal decompression. 

What is Spinal Decompression?

Spinal decompression is a non-surgical treatment  It’s used primarily to treat disc injuries in the neck and lower back. For example, chiropractors often work with patients on this gentle spinal stretching. 

According to Dr. Murray Johnston DC, BSC in the Journal of Neuroimaging Volume 8, Number 2 1998, spinal decompression serves two functions:

  1. It “sucks” in herniated discs or bulges so they’re back in their rightful place
  2. Thickens and heals the disc

The spinal decompression procedure is gentle. Your chiropractor uses tools and techniques to gently separate the vertebrae from each other. This creates a vacuum inside the discs. Some call this “vacuum effect” a negative intra-discal pressure. While back pain relief may not be immediate, these microscopic separations happen over time (usually 4 to 6 weeks). The end results can be quite dramatic after 10 to 30 sessions.

Spinal Decompression Therapy was developed by Allan E. Dyer, Ph.D., M.D. It’s widely recognized as the only effective and non-surgical treatment for back and neck pain. This includes severe cases of disc herniation, degeneration, arthritis, stenosis, and pressure on the nerve. When patients follow directions and fulfill treatment, spinal decompression has an 86% success rate. Spinal Decompression has FDA clearance.

How Does Spinal Decompression Work?

According to the American Spinal Decompression Association (ASDA), “The patient lies comfortably on his/her back or stomach on the decompression table with a set of nicely padded straps snug around the waist and another set around the lower chest.” The patient undergoes the procedure fully clothed on this computer-controlled table.

Firstly, each treatment lasts about 30 to 45 minutes and consists of 20 to 28 treatments over 5 to 7 weeks. Treatment sessions may also include electric stimulation, ultrasound, thermotherapy (heat), and cryotherapy (cold) before, during, or after each session. Proper patient screening is imperative and objectives for treatment must be clear between patient and doctor for treatment to be successful.

For a 3D animated video of the procedure, you can visit the American Spinal Decompression Association.

According to Spine-Health, “Not everyone with a bulging disc is a candidate for decompression (traction). ” Treatment requires soft tissue muscle work to relax deep core muscles to reduce the body’s reflex reaction to guard. In case you were thinking otherwise, you do want to consult with a trained medical practitioner. They’ll help you determine the best course of treatment. 

After consultation and or treatment with your chiropractor, you can adapt spinal decompression for your own home. As you may guess, successful home treatment requires following a set of prescribed exercises. Your chiropractor will help you with resources. 

In Doylestown, Pa., and surrounding areas, Dr. Jeff McQuaite successfully treats patients for spinal decompression. Call to book your appointment today at 267-247-7000.



Backpack Safety: Is Your Child’s Bag Causing Pain?

Backpack Safety: Is Your Child’s Bag Causing Pain?

Backpack Safety

“Stand up straight!” It’s the refrain of parents everywhere. Whether slumped over their phones to heavy backpacks, today’s kids are at risk of all types of back and neck pain. 

Backpack safety is something to consider. Dr. Jeff McQuaite of McQuaite Chiropractic-Doylestown has long been a champion of lighter backpacks for student’s safety. 

The reason why is heavy backpacks can cause long-term back, neck, and shoulder pain.

It’s such a serious concern there’s even a National School Backpack Awareness Day held in September each year. 

Is Your Child’s Backpack Too Heavy? 

Several studies link weighty backpacks with persistent back, neck, and shoulder problems in students from elementary school to college. Research suggests that children with back pain often develop chronic symptoms lasting into adulthood, making it all the more important to tackle back and neck pain early in life. 

According to Lisa A. Haney, Director of Rehabilitation Services at Pennsylvania Hospital, “More than 40 million U.S. students carry backpacks, and most of them are unaware that overloading them or carrying them incorrectly can set them up for a lifetime of problems,” says Ms. Haney. “It’s up to parents, teachers, and schools to help spread the word about backpack safety and help our kids lighten their loads.” 

Such an overloaded backpack sends upwards of 8000 children to hospital emergency rooms many years. 

A 2004 study from the University of California showed that 64% of students between ages 11-15 reported back pain from their backpacks, with 21% reporting the pain lasted more than 6 months. Two studies from Boston University showed that 84% of students reported pain and discomfort from backpack usage. Another study published in Work Magazine revealed that 31% of the students reported having difficulty participating in activities as a result of pain. Nearly 25% of students reported having difficulty carrying their books during school because of pain, and 19% reported having difficulty playing sports. To carry your essentials, you should look into the best backpacks for school to help make your choice easier.

It’s Not Just Backaches 

Dr. McQuaite notes “Each year, I grow more concerned as I see more and more children with problems associated with backpacks. Complaints include back pain, headaches, neck and shoulder pain, and numbness in the arms and hands. Studies show a direct connection to these problems with overloaded and ill-fitted backpacks. The body is trying to compensate for the change caused by the backpack’s added weight. The spine in particular can be affected as it bends and twists to reposition this added backpack weight. When this happens pain usually results.”

There are other problems associated with backpack overload too. Called “Cervicobrachial syndrome and or Thoracic Outlet Syndrome”, a heavily loaded backpack causes the shoulder straps to compress delicate nerves, arteries, and veins passing underneath. This can lead to numbness and tingling in the arms.

Dr. McQuaite says “A lot of these problems can be addressed by using proper body mechanics. While they may not be “cool”, it will help prevent the possibility of long term damage.”

In an effort to cut down on the number of these injuries, Dr. McQuaite offers parents the following backpack safety advice

10 Backpack Safety Tips 

  1. Never let a child carry more than 10-15% of his or her body weight in the backpack.
  2. Load the heaviest items closest to the child’s back and arrange books and materials to prevent them from sliding.
  3. Always wear both shoulder straps. Wearing only one strap can cause a child to lean to one side, curving the spine and causing pain or discomfort.
  4. Select a pack with well-padded shoulder straps. Too much pressure on the shoulders and necks can cause pain and tingling.
  5. Adjust the shoulder straps so that the pack fits snugly to the child’s back. The bottom of the pack should rest in the curve of the lower back. The backpack should never be more than four inches below the child’s waistline.
  6. Use the waist belt, if the backpack has one, to help distribute the pack’s weight more evenly.
  7. Check what your child carries to school and brings home to make sure the items are necessary to the day’s activities.
  8. If the backpack is too heavy, consider using a book bag on wheels if your child’s school allows it.
  9. Choose the right size pack for your child’s back as well as one with enough room for necessary school items.
  10. If a student is experiencing back pain or neck soreness, consult your physician or chiropractor.

The Benefits of Ergonomics 

If your child isn’t carrying a backpack but is taking classes online, you want to make sure they maintain good posture during computer time. Setting up an ergonomic workstation for your child will help them remain pain-free. Otherwise, they’re at risk for similar injuries such as back, shoulder, and neck pain. Ergonomics is simply about the ability to maintain good posture with a computer screen, keyboard, and chair at the right height. It extends to backpacks and “text neck.” 

Dr. McQuaite also points out that parents shouldn’t put a child’s name on the outside of a backpack, for safety reasons: When the child is walking home from school, you don’t want a predator to be able to call him or her by name.

He also recommends that parents put their child’s contact information somewhere in the bag, just in case anything happens to them.

Backpack Safety is critical for the long-term health of your child. Help your student have a terrific year and skip the backpack pain. 




What is Cervical Radiculopathy and How Can Chiropractic Care Help? 

What is Cervical Radiculopathy and How Can Chiropractic Care Help? 

If you feel tingling down your arms or shooting arm pain, you may have cervical radiculopathy. More commonly known as a “pinched nerve” in the neck, cervical radiculopathy can be excruciating. Or it can be a dull pain. 

Firstly, no matter how it feels for you, you’re bothered by it, and it affects your life in some way.

For instance, below, you’ll see the typical symptoms of cervical radiculopathy.

But first, here’s what we mean by “cervical.” 

Imagine the back of your head where the base of the neck meets your spinal column. Your shoulders extend from your neck, and from there are nerves, tendons, and ligaments that send messages throughout your body and contribute to your range of motion. When one of those nerves is pinched or compressed, that may be cervical radiculopathy. 

For example, if you’ve heard of the cervical spine, that’s the area relating to your neck. Seven bones make up this region, and just like the entire spine, there’s a special disc that separates each bone. Those discs are known as intervertebral discs, and they help your spine stay limber. For instance, when you twist your neck to look over your shoulder, these special discs help with that mobility. 

On a related, yet separate note, you may have heard of having pinched nerves in your lower back. As you may guess, this can cause similar feelings but down your legs instead of your arms. That’s lumbar radiculopathy. It’s similar but usually contributes to lower body pain. For the purposes of this article, we’ll stick with the upper body.

Now that you know cervical radiculopathy is a pinched nerve in your neck or shoulder region, you may wonder about the symptoms. 

What are the Symptoms of Cervical Radiculopathy? 

The symptoms vary, as you can see. 

  • Pain radiates down your arms. 
  • Numbness in your arms 
  • Dull pain in your shoulders/arms
  • Tingly sensation in your arms
  • Headaches
  • Muscle weakness
  • Less range of motion. 

Left untreated, cervical radiculopathy or a pinched nerve in your neck can lead to permanent nerve damage. 

According to, radiculopathy has two common causes. In those of us of a “certain age,” it’s often caused by a breakdown of the discs in between bones, similar to arthritis. In other cases, a traumatic injury could cause it. 

No matter the cause, it can be frustrating and debilitating. You might find yourself having to sit out of things you want to do in life. For example, maybe you no longer have the strength to pick up your little dog, or you find yourself in the kitchen unable to pick up a stack of dishes. 

You’re probably tired of the pain. 

What Treatment Options are There? 

Fortunately, there are many treatment options. 

  • Rest 
  • Ice/Heat
  • Spinal decompression therapy 
  • Traditional chiropractic treatments
  • Acupuncture
  • Massage
  • Steroid injections
  • Over the counter painkillers 
  • Gentle stretches
  • Physical therapy 

It won’t be one treatment option in many cases but rather a range of things that will help. Each case is individual, so you’ll want to see your medical professional see what type of treatment plan will work well for your situation. 

Yet, before you can treat it, you need to know your diagnosis, your physical abilities, lifestyle, and other specific concerns. 

According to a recent study, some benefit from manual therapy, such as physical therapy or chiropractors. This can improve your range of motion and reduce inflammation. With some lifestyle adjustments and medical care, you’ll likely find pain relief. 

In conclusion, in Doylestown, PA, Dr. Jeff McQuaite helps many people find pain relief from cervical radiculopathy or pinched nerve in the neck pain. He’ll conduct an x-ray and talk with you about your medical history to work out a treatment plan that makes sense for you. He offers traditional chiropractic care, spinal decompression treatment, and even non-cracking adjustments in his Doylestown office. 

Are you ready to find relief?

Why a Chiropractic Treatment after a Car Accident is a Good Idea

Why a Chiropractic Treatment after a Car Accident is a Good Idea

One of the things people don’t always realize is how damaging car accidents can be to your body. Even it seems “minor” and there’s only a little dent in your fender, your body sustained a jostle big or small.

Think about it, if you’ve ever hit a large pothole, you know how much that can damage your car alignment. It’s no different with your physical body.

You can get out at the scene of the accident and feel fine at the time. Yet, in the next day or two, you might start feeling achy. This is not unusual. In fact, you may not even connect it to your car accident if it’s several days later or a week later.

For instance, let’s say you were rear-ended by a car going 5 miles an hour. You have a dent in your fender, but otherwise, everything seems fine. Then, a few days later, you have neck pain. Most people don’t realize even such a minor seeming impact is strong enough to cause whiplash and other painful injuries. That’s why chiropractic treatment after a car accident can really help.

Factors in Possible Car Accident Injuries Include:

1- The type of vehicle – both the type of vehicle you’re in as well as what hit you. If you’re in a small car like a Prius and a jeep hits you, your car may have more damage.

2–Angle it hit you – We’ve all seen those roadside accidents where it’s obvious that the vehicle sustained a blow at one of the corners. The direction the vehicles made impact affects the damage on the vehicle and the person inside.

3-How fast it hit you – A light tap on the rear in stop-and-go traffic is not the same as a head-on collision, yet, if that “light tap” damages your fender, that could be enough to knock your body out of alignment too.

4-The location of your headrest to the location of your head – For example, the headrest can offer protection if it cradles the back of your head, but if you have it down and your head whips front and back, then you could have whiplash.

5 – Did you tense in anticipation or was it a surprise? (Surprise car accidents can cause injury to your ligaments whereas if you tense up, the injury is more likely to be in your muscles.)

These are all factors that go into whether your body sustained an injury after a car accident.

Chiropractic Treatment After a Car Accident is a Good Idea

Just like your car may need realignment your body needs realignment periodically. This is especially true after an accident. Even a “minor” accident can knock your spinal column out of place. Fortunately, a chiropractic adjustment will put everything back where it needs to be. In our Doylestown office, we can also run an x-ray to see if there’s any reason for concern internally speaking. Plus, your insurance may cover all or part of your treatment.

If you have a car accident, please don’t delay seeking chiropractic treatment. You deserve to feel good.


Back Pain Relief: How Chiropractic Care Helps

Back Pain Relief: How Chiropractic Care Helps

Hippocrates (Greek Physician 460-357 B.C.) said, “Get knowledge of the spine, for this is the requisite for many diseases.”

Chiropractors also have a favorite saying, “Your spine is your lifeline.” The reason is that your spine connects everything in your body. From your head to your toes, the spine connects everything with bones, tendons, ligaments, and nerves.

A fully functioning spine helps you stay mobile. It’s flexible so you can bend and turn, stand up, sit down, play golf, cook a meal, type, pick up your children, all the things in life. 

But when a bone or tendon shifts and pinches a nerve, you may have a limited range of motion. You might find yourself in pain or feeling tingly or even numb down your arm or leg. 

In other cases, you might have a disc that’s slipped out of place. The cartilage between discs can also break down leaving you in pain because the discs are rubbing against one another. 

According to Georgetown University, 8 percent of American adults experience back pain. Maybe you’re one of them. Back pain can keep you from doing the things you love. It’s also one of the biggest reasons for missed work in the U.S.

Chiropractic healthcare workers hold to the belief that proper alignment of the body’s musculoskeletal structure (particularly the spine) will enable the body to heal without the use of medication and surgery.

Chiropractic Care May Give You Back Pain Relief 

If you’ve ever thought about good posture, then you know that standing (or sitting) up straight is what doctors (and your mother), recommend. When your posture is correct, it reduces strain on your muscles and joints. 

Yet, most of us have picked up bad habits over the years. We slouch, we spend long hours at the computer and more time bent over our phones. All of this often leads to neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain, and other pains. 

No matter the reason for your back pain, if your body is in proper alignment, it will help your body heal.  The spine, in particular, needs to stay in its lane so to speak. When it’s aligned in your body, it helps your body heal naturally. No surgery or medication is needed. 

Chiropractic care can often help.

Over 22 million Americans visit a chiropractor annually and 7.7 million are seeking back pain relief.

  • 31 million Americans experience low back pain at any given time.
  • Back pain is the single leading cause of disabilities according to the Global Burden of Disease 2010.
  • One-half of all working Americans say they have back pain symptoms each year.
  • Americans spend at least $50 million each year on back pain relief.

It’s time you found relief from your back pain. When you visit a chiropractor, you can expect the following:

  • Medical history taken
  • Physical exam with particular attention to the spine
  • Lab tests and diagnostic imaging to determine an appropriate course of treatment
  • Manual adjustments (joint manipulation) which involves controlled, sudden force to joints that pushes the joint beyond its normal range of motion
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Exercise and rehabilitation recommendations

Most likely, you’ll benefit from some lifestyle changes too. Maybe it’s more exercise (or different types of exercise) or diet changes. Or, upgrading your work environment so it’s more ergonomically friendly. 

No matter what, your chiropractor will work with you to provide back pain relief, restore your range of motion, and overall, help you feel better. Our goal is to help you feel better and prevent further injury. 

How Chiropractic Care Works 

Traditional chiropractic care consists of discussing your medical history, pains, and concerns. Depending on your condition, your chiropractor will work with you on a treatment plan. 

Typically, chiropractic adjustments consist of small spinal manipulations that use body weight. But we also have other tools to help as well. For example, here at McQuaite Chiropractic, we have “tapping” tools that help too.            

Back Pain Relief

Our overall goal is to help you feel your best. We want you to experience back pain relief and improve your mobility, so you feel great.

Dr. Jay Handt (guest speaker for New York Chiropractic Council and the International Chiropractic Association) believes, “Everything functions better when the nervous system functions at 100%.” Helping patients understand that “connecting the mind with the body” is a process…a lifestyle.

Dr. Jeff McQuaite in Doylestown, Pa. helps his patients ease back pain relief. Book your appointment today!

Could Your Back Pain Solution Be On the Table?

Could Your Back Pain Solution Be On the Table?

Landmark Study Finds Solution to Back Pain is On the Table

Back Pain Relief Is on the TableIf you’re one of 31 million Americans who suffer from back pain each year, you’ll be excited by recent findings. SPINE Journal reports a 9-month study found participants experienced a significant decrease in their back pain with only one month of chiropractic treatments.

The study followed 60 patients suffering from chronic lower back pain for a minimum of six months. One group got no treatment though they thought they did (sham treatment), group two had 12 treatments for one month but no more, and the third group had 12 treatments for one month followed by 2x a month for 9 months.

“To determine any difference among therapies, we measured pain and disability scores, generic health status, and back-specific patient satisfaction at baseline and at 1-, 4-, 7-, and 10-month intervals.”

The second group reported significantly less pain and disability. Remember, they only had 12 treatments for one month. However, at the 10-month evaluation, their pain and disability levels had slipped to pre-study levels.

Not surprisingly, the third group reported the best results at the 10-month evaluation. Remember, they had 12 treatments in a month followed by 2x a month for the next 9 months.

These results show regular chiropractic treatments reduce chronic back pain without drugs and without surgery.

Good Posture and Sleeping/Sitting Support Helps Too 

Good posture protects your back too. If you strengthen your core with yoga, pilates, barre, or other exercises, you’ll also strengthen your lower back.

Add a supportive pillow, mattress, and work-station so your body is supported in its best posture whether you’re sleeping or awake. Whether you sleep on your side, stomach, or back, there are a variety of different pillows out there to support your neck. It’s worth discussing the best type of pillow for your back pain and sleeping habits with your chiropractor.

Quick Results are Possible

Other studies show spinal manipulation is an excellent back pain solution. Many patients with chronic lower back pain achieve quicker results than standard physical therapy practices alone.

Our Therapy is Different

In fact, you might find yourself more productive and enjoying greater mobility after such treatment. One professional writer who suddenly found it painful to type stemming from back pain got relief after just two sessions.

The secret is in the follow-up. As the study shows, consistent treatments realign the body which reduces your pain. When you think about it, it makes sense. If your back pain is caused by years of poor posture or an accident, it won’t be gone overnight. Though many people do find relief within their first visits.

If back pain is holding you back from going about your day-to-day life, you might also want to consider chiropractic care. It’s a safe and natural approach to back pain relief.

How about you? Are you ready to see if chiropractic treatments can help your chronic back pain? Dr. Jeff McQuaite is a Doylestown Chiropractor who offers free consultations. Book yours today.

How to Protect Yourself from Common Golf Injuries

How to Protect Yourself from Common Golf Injuries

28213957 - beautiful early morning golf game at the course in the sunrise and panoramic view

Prevent golf injuries


In my Doylestown chiropractic practice, I regularly see golf injuries when the weather turns nice. Sometimes it’s back pain or rotator cuff pain. Sometimes it’s wrist pain.

It may come as a shock but golf is actually a pretty injury-ridden sport. Often, golf injuries happen because people aren’t properly warmed up or because they practice the same repetitive motions frequently.

And it’s not surprising when you think about it. Spending several hours hunched over is enough to give anyone lower back pain. Then, when you think about the repetitive motion of swinging the clubs through the air, the THWACK of connecting with the ball, and the twist of your spine, there are plenty of opportunities for injury.

According to the MayoClinic, golf injuries are typically caused by overuse — such as logging lots of tee time after spending a sedentary winter.

Another reason golf injuries occur is through misalignment, you probably know it’s important to bend from the waist and follow through on your swing but many golfers hunch their necks and shoulders and THEN swing. That’s a good way to injure yourself.

3 Ways to Protect Yourself from Golf Injuries:

Increase Your Flexibility

Make sure you take the time to warm up before you play a round of golf. Bend over and touch your toes and simply hang there. When you stand, you can put your hands on your waist and do a few gentle twists back and forth.

You can do a few runners stretches and rotate your shoulders forward and backward and circle your head a few times. Rotate your wrists. A common complaint is wrist pain, which can come from holding the club too tightly or simply the repetitive action. You may be aware that carpal tunnel syndrome stems from repetitive motion. You can make it a habit to rotate your wrists – on and off the course. Stretch your fingers too. These movements will help prevent carpal tunnel.

The more limber you are before you play, the better off you’ll be.

Work Up to Your First Full Round to Reduce Risk of Golf Injuries 

This is especially true if you’ve been sedentary for the last several months. You’ve probably heard it before but if you’re out of condition, you can easily hurt yourself. You’ve probably heard of someone who pulled a muscle doing a simple task like getting the clubs out of the car or swinging the club. You can prevent such injuries by warming your body up first.

Practice at the driving range. Play 9 holes instead of 18. Do another type of exercise in between golf games — even walking will help. What you don’t want to do is go from sitting behind a desk all day for months and then hit the greens on the first nice day and overdo it.

Always Practice Good Form

You want to bend from your hips, not hunch your head, shoulders, and upper back. The latter is likely to cause strain in your neck and shoulders. Use a consistent swing rather than sinking all your power into your first point of impact Swinging too hard or fast stresses your joints.

When you maintain a flexible spine, that helps your golf game. One of the best ways to protect yourself from golf injuries is to practice yoga stretches regularly. Getting regular chiropractic care helps too.

I find that golfers often have their shoulders and hips out of alignment which puts stress on your joints and can cause pain in your lower back, rotator cuff and even your knees or wrists.

Chiropractic adjustments realign your shoulders and hips so you get pain relief. When muscles, tendons, and bones are out of alignment — even by a few centimeters– that can put a lot of pressure on your nerves and joints.

Don’t spend the summer sitting on the sidelines! Take precautions so that you can enjoy your golf game injury-free for many years to come.

Do You Need a Chiropractor?

Do You Need a Chiropractor?

Do you need a chiropractor

Photo by Joyce McCown on Unsplash

The American Chiropractic Association estimates 35 million people visit the chiropractor each year. You might wonder, “do you need a chiropractor?” 

After all, most people turn to the chiropractor due to neck or back pain, but as they discover more about the benefits of chiropractic care, they realize it has other purposes too. 

Have you ever heard the expression, “your spine is your lifeline?” If you haven’t heard it, it’s common in chiropractic circles. Your spine connects everything in your body. 

From your head to your toes, your body is a vast network of nerves, bones, tendons, and ligaments. They all connect to one another like a complex freeway system to keep you healthy.

If something isn’t working well, say, you have a pinched nerve from spending too many hours hunched over your computer, then it’s painful.  That relates to your shoulder position, upper and lower back and your hips, etc., and most likely throws your body out of alignment. This has a trickle-down effect. For example, it’s common for someone to have one leg shorter than the other due to body trauma, sitting habits, or accidents. If not addressed, this often leads to other problems.

The Benefits of a Healthy Spine

When your spine is straight and aligned, you’re less likely to have: 

  • Frequent Headaches
  • Joint or muscle pain
  • Chronic back pain 
  • Limited range of motion 
  • Pinched feeling in your neck/shoulders 

Regular chiropractic care also reduces chronic inflammation which is linked to serious diseases like cancer and heart disease. Chiropractic care can also help with allergies, migraines as well as musculoskeletal misalignment.  We treat the problem on a physical level to help your body heal rather than masking your systems with painkillers.  

Doesn’t that sound like a great alternative?

All over the world, more than a million chiropractic adjustments are given every day. Hands-on spinal manipulations are common, yet, also treatments like tiny electrical stimulus and ultrasound can help. Your chiropractor will assess your medical history and current health so we can give you the care you deserve. 

If you’ve never been to a chiropractor, here’s what you can expect on your first visit to our chiropractic office in Doylestown, PA. It’s safe and natural. 

Additional benefits that many people don’t understand how proper body alignment can help them are:

  • Improves Sports Performance
  • Improve Sleep
  • Help with Migraines / Headaches
  • Boost Your Immune System
  • Avoid Medication
  • Reduce Doctor and Hospital Visits
  • Pregnancy and Fertility
  • Assists with Chronic Pain 

Your chiropractor can help you feel your best and is an optimal addition to your wellness lifestyle.

Due to COVID-19, we are currently working with certain patients considered “Life-Sustaining.” We are closed to wellness or maintenance clients during this period of crisis.

Once we’re through this period, we hope you’ll consider, “do you need a chiropractor” and realize the answer is “yes.” A chiropractor is beneficial for health and mobility. Take care and see you soon.